path: root/src/Xmobar/Draw
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2025-02-11prototype for onClick method in Execjao
2024-03-30fix for unmet pattern matches warnings (clean build)jao
2023-06-02center middle section for templates of the form "}M{" (fixes #677)jao
2022-12-31layout: special case for empty left segment (see #655)jao
2022-12-23Fix for #663: honour explicit bg/fg colors for iconsjao
2022-12-10off by onesjao
2022-12-10off by onejao
2022-12-10alignment: avoid overlapping of left and right segmentsjao
2022-11-30Adds DPI configuration (#660)jgrocho
2022-11-16cairo: recover pre-cairo z-ordering of segmentsjao
2022-11-16cairo: fix: don't draw outside maximum allowed offsetjao
2022-11-13similar take on centering the centerjao
2022-11-13center segment drawn in the center of the barjao
2022-09-30Run.Parsers -> Config.Templatejao
2022-09-21better abstracted icon drawing interfacejao
2022-09-20fix for -f-with_xrender buildcairojao
2022-09-20new namespace: Xmobar.Drawjao