diff options
authorjao <>2022-10-14 18:09:16 +0100
committerjao <>2022-10-14 18:09:16 +0100
commit6d117a2d57bd8acc022c1d383da0fc7e7bc1a516 (patch)
parent9e894d38e121c3a03006bebef4f97252443ca625 (diff)
little tweaks and clean-upsHEADmaster
1 files changed, 25 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/xmonad.hs b/xmonad.hs
index 2fa418c..5841d0d 100644
--- a/xmonad.hs
+++ b/xmonad.hs
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.List (stripPrefix)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
+import Control.Monad (void)
import XMonad hiding ( (|||) )
import XMonad.Actions.FloatKeys (keysMoveWindow, keysResizeWindow)
@@ -100,9 +101,6 @@ runOrRaiseEmacs = do
emacs <- liftIO $ lookupEnv "emacs"
runOrRaise (case emacs of Just e -> e; _ -> "eterm") isEmacs
-openMusicWindow = "tidal"
-isMusic = className =? "Tidal"
runOrRaiseFirefox = runOrRaise "firefox" $ className =? "Firefox"
toggleEmacs other = do
@@ -133,21 +131,19 @@ keyDefs conf =
, ("M-<Left>", move (-10,0))
, ("M-<Up>", move (0,-10))
, ("M-<Down>", move (0,10))
- , ("M-0", emacsAfio "scratch")
- , ("M-1", emacsAfio "main")
- , ("M-2", emacsAfio "mail")
- , ("M-3", emacsAfio "www")
- , ("M-4", emacsAfio "docs")
+ , ("M-0", toWS "NSP")
+ , ("M-1", toWS "e")
+ , ("M-2", toWS "f")
+ , ("M-3", toWS "d")
, ("M-5", CWS.nextWS)
, ("C-M-5", CWS.shiftToNext)
, ("M-C-<Right>", resize (10,0) (0,0))
, ("M-C-<Left>", resize (-10,0) (0,1))
, ("M-C-<Up>", resize (0,-10) (0,0))
, ("M-C-<Down>", resize (0,10) (0,0))
- , ("M-a", scratch "aptitude")
- , ("M-b", sendMessage $ MD.ToggleStruts)
- , ("M-S-d", scratch "tidal")
- , ("M-d", toggleEmacs $ windows (W.greedyView "d"))
+ , ("M-a", scratch "spt")
+ , ("M-b", sendMessage MD.ToggleStruts)
+ , ("M-d", toggleEmacs $ toWS "d")
, ("M-e", toggleEmacs runOrRaiseFirefox)
, ("M-C-e", spawn "emacsclient -c")
, ("M-S-e", spawn (jaoscript "eterm"))
@@ -158,10 +154,13 @@ keyDefs conf =
, ("M-S-r", runCmd)
, ("M-s", raiseEmacs >> emacsclient "jao-transient-streaming")
, ("M-S-s", withFocused $ windows . W.sink)
- , ("M-S-t", emacsAfio "main" >> emacsclient "vterm")
, ("M-t", spawn "kitty")
, ("M-w", raiseEmacs >> emacsclient "jao-transient-utils")
, ("M-x 1", emacsAfio "main")
+ , ("M-x 2", emacsAfio "mail")
+ , ("M-x 3", emacsAfio "www")
+ , ("M-x 4", emacsAfio "docs")
+ , ("M-x 1", emacsAfio "main")
, ("M-x k", kill)
, ("M-x M-f", withFocused float)
, ("M-x s", withFocused $ windows . W.sink)
@@ -184,10 +183,11 @@ keyDefs conf =
, ("M-z h", zzCmd "hibernate")
, ("M-z b", zzCmd "hybrid")
, ("M-z l", i3lock)
- ] where jumpToL x = sendMessage (LJ.JumpToLayout x) >> return ()
+ ] where jumpToL x = void (sendMessage (LJ.JumpToLayout x))
withEmacs x = jumpToL "F" >> raiseEmacs >> emacsclient x
emacsAfio f = withEmacs $ "jao-afio-goto-" ++ f
-- sendCtrlC = sendKey controlMask xK_c
+ toWS = windows . W.greedyView
jumpToLE x = emacsAfio "scratch-1" >> jumpToL x
backlight x = spawn $ "brightnessctl -q s " ++ x
i3lock = spawn "i3lock -e -i ~/.lockimage"
@@ -211,26 +211,23 @@ layouts = PW.onWorkspace "d" lytTall lytFullTall
lytFullTall = lytFull ||| lytTall
scratchpads =
- [ NS.NS "music" openMusicWindow isMusic cf
- , NS.NS "tidal" "tidal-hifi" (className =? "tidal-hifi") cf
- , NS.NS "popup" "firefox --class=Popup -P popup" (className =? "Popup") cf
- , NS.NS "aptitude" "kitty -e aptitude" (title =? "aptitude") cf
+ [ NS.NS "spotify" "spotify" (className =? "spotify") cf
+ , NS.NS "spt" "kitty --title spt -e spt" (title =? "spt") cf
] where cf = centerFloat (3/4) (7/8)
-scratchpad = NS.namedScratchpadManageHook scratchpads
centerFloat width height
= NS.customFloating $ W.RationalRect marginLeft marginTop width height
where marginLeft = (1 - width) / 2
marginTop = (1 - height) / 2
-mHook = MH.composeOne dlgs <+> composeAll (emf:cl)
+mHook = composeAll cls <+> MH.composeOne [dlg] <+> scr
- dlgs = [MH.isDialog -?> MH.doCenterFloat]
- cfs = ["Display", "feh", "Gitk", "MPlayer", "Vlc", "mpv", "Mpv", "xli",
+ dlg = MH.isDialog -?> MH.doCenterFloat
+ cfs = ["Display", "feh", "MPlayer", "Vlc", "mpv", "Mpv", "xli",
"Blueman-services", "Blueman-manager",
- "Pavucontrol", "Pavumeter", "Xmessage", "XLogo"]
- cl = [className =? x --> MH.doCenterFloat | x <- cfs]
- emf = title =? "emacs popup" --> MH.doCenterFloat
+ "Pavucontrol", "Pavumeter", "Xmessage"]
+ cls = [className =? x --> MH.doCenterFloat | x <- cfs]
+ scr = NS.namedScratchpadManageHook scratchpads
simplePP = SBP.def { SBP.ppLayout = const ""
, SBP.ppHidden = const ""
@@ -255,7 +252,7 @@ main = do
sb = SB.withSB $ SB.statusBarProp "xmobar" (pure simplePP)
uhook = U.withUrgencyHook U.NoUrgencyHook
xmonad . uhook . sb . MD.docks . Ewm.ewmh $ def {
- manageHook = scratchpad <+> mHook <+> manageHook def
+ manageHook = mHook
, handleEventHook = ehook
, layoutHook = MD.avoidStruts lyt
, startupHook = localStartupHook
@@ -266,5 +263,5 @@ main = do
, terminal = "kitty"
, workspaces = defWorkspaces
, focusFollowsMouse = False
- } `EZ.removeKeysP` ["M-j", "M-n", "M-w", "M-m", "M-r", "M-p", "M-<Space>"]
- `EZ.additionalKeysP` (keyDefs popCfg)
+ } `EZ.removeKeysP` ["M-j", "M-n", "M-w", "M-m", "M-r", "M-p", "M-l", "M-<Space>"]
+ `EZ.additionalKeysP` keyDefs popCfg