diff options
8 files changed, 275 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e588e5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
diff --git a/cabal.project b/cabal.project
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a8c138
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cabal.project
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+packages: ., */*.cabal
diff --git a/my-xmonad.cabal b/my-xmonad.cabal
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4951fc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/my-xmonad.cabal
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Name: my-xmonad
+build-type: Simple
+cabal-version: >=1.10
+executable my-xmonad
+ main-is: xmonad.hs
+ other-modules:
+ build-depends: base
+ , containers
+ , xmonad
+ , xmonad-contrib
+ hs-source-dirs: .
+ default-language: Haskell2010
+ ghc-options: -Wall -Werror -fno-warn-missing-signatures -threaded
+executable sendCommand
+ main-is: sendCommand.hs
+ build-depends: base, X11
+ default-language: Haskell2010
+ ghc-options: -Wall -Werror -fno-warn-missing-signatures -threaded
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dbcf849
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+cabal update
+rm -f .ghc.environment.*
+cabal install --package-env=/home/jao/.xmonad --lib xmonad xmonad-contrib
+cabal install --package-env=/home/jao/.xmonad xmonad
diff --git a/sendCommand.hs b/sendCommand.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..635f729
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sendCommand.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+import Graphics.X11.Xlib
+import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Extras
+import System.Environment
+main :: IO ()
+main = sendCommand "XMONAD_COMMAND" =<< getArgs
+sendCommand :: String -> [String] -> IO ()
+sendCommand addr (s:_) = do
+ d <- openDisplay ""
+ rw <- rootWindow d $ defaultScreen d
+ a <- internAtom d addr False
+ m <- internAtom d s False
+ allocaXEvent $ \e -> do
+ setEventType e clientMessage
+ setClientMessageEvent e rw a 32 m currentTime
+ sendEvent d rw False structureNotifyMask e
+ sync d False
+sendCommand _ _ = return ()
diff --git a/xmonad b/xmonad
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..4dccc4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xmonad
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/usr/local/src/xmonad \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/xmonad-contrib b/xmonad-contrib
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..cbf426b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xmonad-contrib
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/usr/local/src/xmonad-contrib \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/xmonad.hs b/xmonad.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd885e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xmonad.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
+import XMonad hiding ( (|||) )
+import XMonad.Actions.FloatKeys (keysMoveWindow, keysResizeWindow)
+import XMonad.Actions.WindowGo (raise, runOrRaise)
+import qualified XMonad.Actions.GridSelect as GS
+import XMonad.Actions.PerWindowKeys (bindAll)
+import XMonad.Hooks.ManageHelpers ((-?>))
+import qualified XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks as MD
+import qualified XMonad.Hooks.ManageHelpers as MH
+import qualified XMonad.Hooks.ServerMode as SM
+import qualified XMonad.Hooks.EwmhDesktops as Ewm
+import qualified XMonad.Layout.NoBorders as NB
+import XMonad.Layout.IM (withIM, Property(ClassName))
+import XMonad.Layout.LayoutCombinators ((|||))
+-- import XMonad.Layout.WindowNavigation
+import qualified XMonad.Layout.LayoutCombinators as LJ
+import qualified XMonad.Layout.Renamed as LR
+import qualified XMonad.Layout.Spacing as SP
+import qualified XMonad.Layout.Reflect as Refl
+import qualified XMonad.Prompt as P
+import qualified XMonad.Prompt.Shell as PS
+import qualified XMonad.Prompt.XMonad as XmP
+import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
+import qualified XMonad.Util.EZConfig as EZ
+import qualified XMonad.Util.Hacks as UH
+import qualified XMonad.Util.NamedScratchpad as NS
+import XMonad.Util.Paste (sendKey)
+import qualified XMonad.Util.WindowProperties as WP
+jaoscript scrpt = "/home/jao/etc/config/bin/" ++ scrpt
+defFace = "Hack-10"
+promptKeys = M.fromList [((controlMask, xK_a), P.startOfLine)
+ ,((controlMask, xK_b), P.moveCursor P.Prev)
+ ,((mod1Mask, xK_b), P.moveWord P.Prev)
+ ,((controlMask, xK_d), P.deleteString P.Next)
+ ,((mod1Mask, xK_d), P.killWord P.Next)
+ ,((controlMask, xK_e), P.endOfLine)
+ ,((controlMask, xK_f), P.moveCursor P.Next)
+ ,((mod1Mask, xK_f), P.moveWord P.Next)
+ ,((controlMask, xK_g), P.quit)
+ ,((controlMask, xK_k), P.killAfter)
+ ,((controlMask, xK_n), P.moveHistory W.focusUp')
+ ,((mod1Mask, xK_n), P.moveHistory W.focusUp')
+ ,((controlMask, xK_p), P.moveHistory W.focusDown')
+ ,((mod1Mask, xK_p), P.moveHistory W.focusDown')
+ ,((controlMask, xK_y), P.pasteString)
+ ,((mod1Mask, xK_d), P.killWord P.Next)
+ ]
+promptKM = M.union promptKeys P.defaultXPKeymap
+popConfig = P.def { P.font = "xft:" ++ defFace
+ , P.promptKeymap = promptKM
+ , P.position = P.Bottom
+ , P.height = 25
+ , P.promptBorderWidth = 1
+ }
+darkPopConfig = popConfig { P.fgColor = "grey60"
+ , P.bgColor = "grey10"
+ , P.fgHLight = "lightgoldenrod2"
+ , P.bgHLight = "grey20"
+ , P.borderColor = "grey30"
+ }
+lightPopConfig = popConfig { P.fgColor = "grey10"
+ , P.bgColor = "#efebe7"
+ , P.fgHLight = "sienna"
+ , P.bgHLight = "lightyellow"
+ , P.borderColor = "grey70"
+ }
+defWorkspaces = ["X"]
+isEmacs =
+ className =? "Emacs" <||> className =? "Pemacs" <||> className =? "Gemacs"
+isntEmacs = not `fmap` isEmacs
+raiseEmacs = raise isEmacs
+runOrRaiseEmacs = do
+ emacs <- liftIO $ lookupEnv "emacs"
+ runOrRaise (case emacs of Just e -> e; _ -> "emacs") isEmacs
+runOrRaiseFirefox = runOrRaise "firefox" (className =? "Firefox")
+toggleEmacs other = do
+ ems <- mapM (WP.focusedHasProperty . WP.ClassName) ["Emacs", "Pemacs", "Gemacs"]
+ if or ems then other else runOrRaiseEmacs
+keyDefs conf =
+ [ ("<XF86MonBrightnessUp>", backlight "5%+")
+ , ("<XF86MonBrightnessDown>", backlight "5%-")
+ , ("<XF86BrightnessUp>", backlight "5%+")
+ , ("<XF86BrightnessDown>", backlight "5%-")
+ , ("<XF86AudioRaiseVolume>", spawn "amixer sset Master 10%+")
+ , ("<XF86AudioLowerVolume>", spawn "amixer sset Master 10%-")
+ , ("<XF86AudioMute>", spawn "amixer sset Master toggle")
+ , ("<Print>", spawn "import -window root ~/screenshot.png")
+ , ("C-c", bindAll [(isntEmacs, raiseEmacs), (pure True, sendCtrlC)])
+ , ("M-<Right>", move (10,0))
+ , ("M-<Left>", move (-10,0))
+ , ("M-<Up>", move (0,-10))
+ , ("M-<Down>", move (0,10))
+ , ("M-0", emacsAfio "scratch")
+ , ("M-1", emacsAfio "main")
+ , ("M-2", emacsAfio "mail")
+ , ("M-3", emacsAfio "www")
+ , ("M-4", emacsAfio "docs")
+ , ("M-5", jumpToL "F" >> raise (className =? "Firefox"))
+ , ("M-C-<Right>", resize (10,0) (0,0))
+ , ("M-C-<Left>", resize (-10,0) (0,1))
+ , ("M-C-<Up>", resize (0,-10) (0,0))
+ , ("M-C-<Down>", resize (0,10) (0,0))
+ , ("M-C-b", sendMessage $ MD.ToggleStruts)
+ , ("M-d", NS.namedScratchpadAction scratchpads "deezer")
+ , ("M-e", runOrRaiseEmacs)
+ , ("M-f", toggleEmacs runOrRaiseFirefox)
+ , ("M-m", raiseEmacs >> emacsclient "jao-transient-media")
+ , ("M-o", raiseEmacs >> emacsclient "other-window 1")
+ , ("M-S-o", raiseEmacs >> emacsclient "jao-transpose-windows 1")
+ , ("M-S-r", PS.shellPrompt $ conf {P.position = P.Top})
+ , ("M-C-r", PS.shellPrompt $ conf {P.position = P.Top})
+ , ("M-s", raiseEmacs >> emacsclient "jao-transient-streaming")
+ , ("M-S-s", withFocused $ windows . W.sink)
+ , ("M-t", emacsAfio "main" >> emacsclient "vterm")
+ , ("M-S-t", spawn (jaoscript "term"))
+ , ("M-w", raiseEmacs >> emacsclient "jao-transient-utils")
+ , ("M-x 1", emacsAfio "main")
+ , ("M-x k", kill)
+ , ("M-x M-f", withFocused float)
+ , ("M-x s", withFocused $ windows . W.sink)
+ , ("M-x g", GS.goToSelected GS.def)
+ , ("M-x f", jumpToL "F")
+ , ("M-x l", jumpToLE "L")
+ , ("M-x r", jumpToLE "R")
+ , ("M-x t", jumpToLE "T")
+ , ("M-x n", sendMessage NextLayout)
+ , ("M-S-x", XmP.xmonadPrompt $ conf {P.position = P.Top})
+ , ("M-z l", xdgscr "activate")
+ , ("M-z u", spawn "")
+ , ("M-z z", zzCmd "suspend")
+ , ("M-z h", zzCmd "hibernate")
+ , ("M-z b", zzCmd "hybrid")
+ , ("M-z l", i3lock)
+ ] where emacsclient x = spawn $ "emacsclient -e '(" ++ x ++ ")'"
+ jumpToL x = sendMessage (LJ.JumpToLayout x) >> return ()
+ withEmacs x = jumpToL "F" >> raiseEmacs >> emacsclient x
+ emacsAfio f = withEmacs $ "jao-afio--goto-" ++ f
+ sendCtrlC = sendKey controlMask xK_c
+ jumpToLE x = emacsAfio "scratch-1" >> jumpToL x
+ backlight x = spawn $ "brightnessctl -q s " ++ x
+ i3lock = spawn "i3lock -e -i ~/.lockimage"
+ xdgscr = spawn . ("xdg-screensaver " ++)
+ zzCmd = spawn . ("sudo systemctl " ++)
+ move r = withFocused $ keysMoveWindow r
+ resize a b = withFocused $ keysResizeWindow a b
+spacing n =
+ SP.spacingRaw False (SP.Border n 0 n 0) True (SP.Border 0 n 0 n) True
+namedLyt n = LR.renamed [LR.Replace n]
+lytFull = namedLyt "F" $ NB.smartBorders Full
+lytTall = namedLyt "T" $ spacing 1 (Tall 1 (1/100) (1/2))
+lytLeft = namedLyt "L" $ withIM (9/26) (ClassName "Emacs") Full
+lytRight = namedLyt "R" $ Refl.reflectHoriz lytLeft
+scratchpads = [
+ NS.NS "deezer" "deezer-desktop" (className =? "Deezer")
+ (centerFloat (3/4) (7/8))
+ ]
+scratchpad = NS.namedScratchpadManageHook scratchpads
+centerFloat width height
+ = NS.customFloating $ W.RationalRect marginLeft marginTop width height
+ where marginLeft = (1 - width) / 2
+ marginTop = (1 - height) / 2
+mHook = MD.manageDocks <+> MH.composeOne dlgs <+> composeAll cl
+ where
+ dlgs = [MH.isDialog -?> MH.doCenterFloat]
+ cfs = ["Display", "Gitk", "MPlayer", "Vlc", "Ekiga", "xli", "Skype",
+ "Gpick", "Blueman-services", "Blueman-manager", "",
+ "Pavumeter", "Xmessage", "XLogo", "mpv", "Mpv"]
+ cl = [className =? x --> MH.doCenterFloat | x <- cfs]
+main = do
+ scheme <- lookupEnv "JAO_COLOR_SCHEME"
+ let dark = Just "dark" == scheme
+ popCfg = if dark then darkPopConfig else lightPopConfig
+ defBorder = if dark then "grey10" else "grey90"
+ defFBorder = if dark then "grey15" else "grey50"
+ ehook = SM.serverModeEventHook <+> UH.trayerPaddingXmobarEventHook
+ lyt = lytFull ||| lytRight ||| lytLeft ||| lytTall
+ localStartupHook = spawn "" >> runOrRaiseEmacs
+ xmonad $ MD.docks $ Ewm.ewmhFullscreen $ Ewm.ewmh def {
+ manageHook = scratchpad <+> mHook <+> manageHook def
+ , handleEventHook = ehook
+ , layoutHook = MD.avoidStruts lyt
+ , startupHook = localStartupHook
+ , modMask = mod4Mask
+ , borderWidth = 0
+ , focusedBorderColor = defFBorder
+ , normalBorderColor = defBorder
+ , terminal = (jaoscript "term")
+ , workspaces = defWorkspaces
+ , focusFollowsMouse = False
+ } `EZ.removeKeysP` ["M-j", "M-n", "M-w", "M-m", "M-r", "M-<Space>"]
+ `EZ.additionalKeysP` (keyDefs popCfg)