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authorjao <>2022-09-15 19:50:05 +0100
committerjao <>2022-09-15 19:50:05 +0100
commitdc97a1485806f8e9ff97a87e1572ea38ca70ab07 (patch)
parentcffab2fb8df0a7804e626af913d5b3d0df65ee65 (diff)
cairo: boxes as lines
1 files changed, 44 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/src/Xmobar/X11/CairoDraw.hs b/src/Xmobar/X11/CairoDraw.hs
index 9086792..feb4448 100644
--- a/src/Xmobar/X11/CairoDraw.hs
+++ b/src/Xmobar/X11/CairoDraw.hs
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ module Xmobar.X11.CairoDraw (drawInPixmap) where
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Data.Map (lookup)
-import Data.List (nub)
import qualified Data.Colour.SRGB as SRGB
import qualified Data.Colour.Names as CNames
@@ -61,15 +61,6 @@ data DrawContext = DC { dcBitmapDrawer :: BitmapDrawer
, dcSegments :: [[Segment]]
-readColourName :: String -> (SRGB.Colour Double, Double)
-readColourName str =
- case CNames.readColourName str of
- Just c -> (c, 1.0)
- Nothing -> case SRGB.sRGB24reads str of
- [(c, "")] -> (c, 1.0)
- [(c,d)] -> (c, read ("0x" ++ d))
- _ -> (CNames.white, 1.0)
drawInPixmap :: GC -> Pixmap -> [[Segment]] -> X Actions
drawInPixmap gc p s = do
xconf <- ask
@@ -86,9 +77,6 @@ drawInPixmap gc p s = do
liftIO $ withXlibSurface disp p vis (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h) render
-lookupXBitmap :: XConf -> String -> Maybe B.Bitmap
-lookupXBitmap xconf path = lookup path (iconCache xconf)
drawXBitmap :: XConf -> GC -> Pixmap -> BitmapDrawer
drawXBitmap xconf gc p h v path = do
let disp = display xconf
@@ -98,6 +86,39 @@ drawXBitmap xconf gc p h v path = do
bm = lookupXBitmap xconf path
liftIO $ maybe (return ()) (B.drawBitmap disp p gc fc bc (round h) (round v)) bm
+lookupXBitmap :: XConf -> String -> Maybe B.Bitmap
+lookupXBitmap xconf path = lookup path (iconCache xconf)
+readColourName :: String -> (SRGB.Colour Double, Double)
+readColourName str =
+ case CNames.readColourName str of
+ Just c -> (c, 1.0)
+ Nothing -> case SRGB.sRGB24reads str of
+ [(c, "")] -> (c, 1.0)
+ [(c,d)] -> (c, read ("0x" ++ d))
+ _ -> (CNames.white, 1.0)
+setSourceColor :: (SRGB.Colour Double, Double) -> C.Render ()
+setSourceColor (colour, alph) =
+ if alph < 1 then C.setSourceRGBA r g b alph else C.setSourceRGB r g b
+ where rgb = SRGB.toSRGB colour
+ r = SRGB.channelRed rgb
+ g = SRGB.channelGreen rgb
+ b = SRGB.channelBlue rgb
+renderRect :: String -> Double -> (Double, Double, Double, Double) -> C.Render ()
+renderRect color wd (x0, y0, w, h) = do
+ setSourceColor (readColourName color)
+ C.setLineWidth wd
+ C.rectangle x0 y0 w h
+ C.stroke
+renderLines :: String -> Double -> [(Double, Double, Double, Double)] -> C.Render ()
+renderLines color wd lns = do
+ setSourceColor (readColourName color)
+ C.setLineWidth wd
+ mapM_ (\(x0, y0, x1, y1) -> C.moveTo x0 y0 >> C.lineTo x1 y1 >> C.stroke) lns
segmentMarkup :: Config -> Segment -> String
segmentMarkup conf (Text txt, info, idx, _actions) =
let fnt = fixXft $ indexedFont conf idx
@@ -134,14 +155,8 @@ withRenderinfo _ dctx seg@(Icon p, _, _, _) = do
draw _ off mx = when (off + wd <= mx) $ dcBitmapDrawer dctx off vpos p
return (seg, draw, wd)
-renderRects :: String -> Double -> [(Double, Double, Double, Double)] -> C.Render ()
-renderRects color wd rects = do
- setSourceColor (readColourName color)
- C.setLineWidth wd
- mapM_ (\(x0, y0, w, h) -> C.rectangle x0 y0 w h >> C.stroke) rects
-boxRects :: Box -> Double -> Double -> Double -> [(Double, Double, Double, Double)]
-boxRects (Box bd offset lw _ margins) ht x0 x1 =
+boxLines :: Box -> Double -> Double -> Double -> [(Double, Double, Double, Double)]
+boxLines (Box bd offset lw _ margins) ht x0 x1 =
case bd of
BBTop -> [rtop]; BBBottom -> [rbot]; BBVBoth -> [rtop, rbot]
BBLeft -> [rleft]; BBRight -> [rright]; BBHBoth -> [rleft, rright]
@@ -156,15 +171,15 @@ boxRects (Box bd offset lw _ margins) ht x0 x1 =
xmax = x1 + mr + lc
ymin = mt + lc
ymax = ht - mb - lc
- rtop = (xmin + p0, ymin, xmax + p1 - xmin - p0, 0)
- rbot = (xmin + p0, ymax, xmax + p1 - xmin - p0, 0)
- rleft = (xmin, ymin + p0, 0, ymax + p1 - ymin - p0)
- rright = (xmax, ymin + p0, 0, ymax + p1 - ymin - p0)
+ rtop = (xmin + p0, ymin, xmax + p1, ymin)
+ rbot = (xmin + p0, ymax, xmax + p1, ymax)
+ rleft = (xmin, ymin + p0, xmin, ymax + p1)
+ rright = (xmax, ymin + p0, xmax, ymax + p1)
drawBox :: DrawContext -> Surface -> Double -> Double -> Box -> IO ()
drawBox dctx surf x0 x1 box@(Box _ _ w color _) =
C.renderWith surf $
- renderRects color (fromIntegral w) (boxRects box (dcHeight dctx) x0 x1)
+ renderLines color (fromIntegral w) (boxLines box (dcHeight dctx) x0 x1)
drawSegmentBackground ::
DrawContext -> Surface -> TextRenderInfo -> Double -> Double -> IO ()
@@ -193,14 +208,6 @@ drawSegment dctx surface maxoff (off, acts, boxs) (segment, render, lwidth) = do
render surface off maxoff
return (off + lwidth, acts', boxs')
-setSourceColor :: (SRGB.Colour Double, Double) -> C.Render ()
-setSourceColor (colour, alph) =
- if alph < 1 then C.setSourceRGBA r g b alph else C.setSourceRGB r g b
- where rgb = SRGB.toSRGB colour
- r = SRGB.channelRed rgb
- g = SRGB.channelGreen rgb
- b = SRGB.channelBlue rgb
renderOuterBorder :: Config -> Double -> Double -> C.Render ()
renderOuterBorder conf w h = do
let r = case border conf of
@@ -211,7 +218,7 @@ renderOuterBorder conf w h = do
BottomBM m -> (0, h - fi m, w - 1, h - fi m)
FullBM m -> (fi m, fi m, w - fi m - 1, h - fi m - 1)
NoBorder -> (-1, -1, -1, -1)
- renderRects (borderColor conf) (fi (borderWidth conf)) [r]
+ renderRect (borderColor conf) (fi (borderWidth conf)) r
where fi = fromIntegral
drawBorder :: Config -> Double -> Double -> Surface -> IO ()
@@ -228,10 +235,10 @@ drawBoxes' dctx surf (from, to, bs) = mapM_ (drawBox dctx surf from to) bs
drawBoxes :: DrawContext -> Surface -> Boxes -> IO ()
drawBoxes dctx surf ((from, to, b):(from', to', b'):bxs) =
- if to < from'
+ if to < from' || b /= b'
then do drawBoxes' dctx surf (from, to, b)
drawBoxes dctx surf $ (from', to', b'):bxs
- else drawBoxes dctx surf $ (from, to', nub (b ++ b')):bxs
+ else do drawBoxes dctx surf $ (from, to', b'):bxs
drawBoxes dctx surf [bi] = drawBoxes' dctx surf bi